



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Life Sciences Research. 2020; 1: (1) ; 1-9 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jlsr.20200001.

Species Composition and Biomass Production in Two Communal Coastal Rangelands of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

作者: Matshawule, S. *


*通讯作者: Matshawule S.,单位:东开普敦皇后镇克里斯·哈尼区农村发展与土地改革部;

发布时间: 2020-06-17 总浏览量: 1949


这项研究调查了宅基地周围两个公共牧场的草本植物的种类组成和生物量生产。在每个研究区域中,牧场均根据距宅基地的距离分为近(最多1 km),中(大于1-2 km)和远(大于2-3 km)地点。在每个站点上使用50 m x 20 m的HVU,并在每个HVU上随机放置六个0.25 m2象限。确定象限内发现的草本物种,对其进行计数并测量其高度和丛生度。还收获草种,将其堆积并放入贴有标签的牛皮纸袋中,并在60°C下烘箱干燥48小时,以确定生物量的产生。草本物种也根据其适口性生态状况和生命形式进行分类。收集了2014和2015年度两个季节(冬季和夏季)的数据。在研究区域总共鉴定出20种草种。在17种草中最常见或占优势的草种是T. triandra,C.dactylon,E.capensis,E.plana和S. africanus。Dyamdyam,T.triandra在远处的发生频率最高,而中宅基地附近的发生频率最高。在所有研究地点中,非洲马链霉菌在非洲链球菌中的发生频率相对相似。在Dyamdyam和Machibi的附近和底部,草本物种的密度显着最低。在冬季和夏季,距宅基地最远和顶部的放牧地带的Dyamdyam和Machibi分别具有最大的生物量生产(P <0.05)。在两个研究区域中,整个研究地点的夏季生物量产量均明显高于冬季。可以得出结论,草本物种的组成和生物量的产生显着取决于距家园和季节的距离和地形。因此,在公共牧场上的任何牧场管理实践都应在规划开发进度时考虑这些因素。

关键词: 距离梯度;牲畜;地形;夏天;土壤;植被;冬天


This study investigated species composition and biomass production of herbaceous plants in two communal rangelands surrounding homesteads areas. In each study area, the rangelands were divided based on the distance from homesteads into near (up to 1 km), middle (> 1–2 km) and far (> 2–3 km) sites. On each site a HVU of 50 m x 20 m was used and six 0.25 m2 quadrants were laid randomly on each HVU. Herbaceous species found within a quadrant were identified, counted and their height and tuft were measured. Herbaceous species were also harvested, bulked and placed into well labelled brown paper bags and oven-dried for 48 hours at 60 oC to determine biomass production. Herbaceous species were also classified according to their palatability ecological status and life form. Data were collected for two seasons over 2014/15 (winter and summer). A total of 20 herbaceous species were identified in the study areas. Of these 17 were grass species. The most common or dominant grass species were T. triandra, C. dactylon, E. capensis, E. plana and S. africanus. At Dyamdyam T. triandra showed the greatest frequency of occurrence at far site than middle and near homesteads sites. The frequency occurrence of S. africanus at Machibi was relatively similar in all the study sites. Density of herbaceous species was significantly lowest on near and bottom sites at Dyamdyam and Machibi, respectively. In both winter and summer, grazing site far and top from homestead had greatest (P <0.05) biomass production at Dyamdyam and Machibi respectively. The biomass production was significantly highest in the summer than the winter across the study sites in both study areas. It can be concluded that composition of herbaceous species and biomass production are significantly dependent on distance and topography from homesteads and seasons. Therefore, any rangeland management practices in communal grazing lands should consider these factors in to consideration during the planning of development progress.

Key words: Distance Gradient; Livestock; Topography; Summer; Soil; Vegetation; Winter

参考文献 References




































MatshawuleS., 南非东开普省两个公共沿海牧场的物种组成和生物量生产[J]. 现代生命科学研究, 2020; 1: (1) : 1-9.